Tüm DuyurularYeni Online Veritabanı-IET.tv
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 4 Mayıs 2018, Cuma
IET.tv Veritabanı 30 Ağustos 2018’e kadar deneme erişimine açıktır.
Dear Reader,
We are pleased to inform you that, IET.tv Database is available on a trial base until ,30 August 2018.
You can acces this site at: https://tv.theiet.org/
About IET.tv:
Engage and inspire the multimedia generation with the world's largest collection of engineering and technology video content.
Owned and developed by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), IET.tv is a source of engaging and inspiring content from leading engineers and technologists in academia and industry. It represents the definitive collection of engineering video content worldwide, containing around 10,500 videos of:
- Seminars from select universities and research institutions worldwide
- Content providing unique teaching and coursework material for lectures
- Interviews with leading experts from industry and academia
- Lectures and presentations from all major IET events
- Bite-sized content including news, product demonstrations and showcases
10 specialist technology channels covering a huge range of engineering and technology content:
| Manufacturing |
Control | Power
Electronics | Transport |
IT | Healthcare
Management | Prestige Lectures
Note: Please be informed that you can access "Trial Databases" through the Library Web Page at; http://library.emu.edu.tr
For more information please contact: 2741, 2715
Kindly Yours.
EMU Özay Oral Library