Tüm DuyurularSpringer Yayınevi E-KİTAP koleksiyonu erişime açılmıştır.
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 4 Mayıs 2018, Cuma
Dear Reader,
We are pleased to announce you that, the Springer's E-Book collections are now accessible for EMU Community (6,600 new books).
The 6,600 Springer E-Books are published in the years 2014 and 2015. The books are related to; "Business and Economics", "Computer Science", "Engineering" and "Humanities, Social Science & Law".
Springer eBooks provides 24/7 access with unlimited user, unlimited page view, unlimited print and unlimited download feature. Besides the possibility to download the books chapter by chapter, now you could also download all the book with a single click without the need of any additional software. In addition to this, Springer eBooks are all compatible to mobile devices, tablets and operating systems.
Note: Please be informed that you can access all electronic resources through the Library Web Page; http://library.emu.edu.tr/.
For more information please contact: 2741, 2715
EMU Özay Oral Library