Published Date: Tuesday, 5 April 2022
Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Özay Oral Library celebrated the 58th Library Week with various activities. In the scope of the activities organized by the EMU Özay Oral Library during the 58th Library Week, various seminars were given by the trainers of the world's leading databases for students and researchers. Awards were presented to the top three students who borrowed the highest number of books from EMU Özay Oral Library. At the same time, a 30-minute silent book reading event was held in the library yard simultaneously with the Republic of Turkey under the organization of the Turkish Librarians Association, "The World will be a Better Place If We Read!"
EBSCO and ProQuest Databases Explained
"EBSCO Communication Source Database User Training Webinar" was held online at 11:00 on Tuesday, 29 March, 2022. In the seminar held in English, EBSCO Trainer Uğurcan Özkan shared information about the Communication Source Database, which provides access to resources in communication, radio, television, cinema, press, broadcasting and all other related fields.
At 15:30, the "ProQuest Databases User Training Webinar" was held. In the online seminar delivered in English by ProQuest Trainer Hazal Yılmaz, information was provided about ProQuest Summon Search Engine, ProQuest Central Database, ProQuest E-Book Central Database and ProQuest Academic Video Online systems.
Award Ceremony and Book Reading Event Held
On Wednesday, 30 March, 2022, at 12:00, the “Those Who Read More Know More Award Ceremony" was held at EMU Özay Oral Library Yard. As part of the ceremony, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın presented awards to three students who have borrowed the highest number of books from the library. Vice-Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Aktuğlu also attended the ceremony. While İbrahim Yavaş, 2nd-year student from the Faculty of Law, ranked first with 30 books borrowed in total, Oguljan Ruzyyeva, 1st-year student from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing Department, ranked second with 28 books borrowed. EMU Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Political Science and International Relations, 4th-year student İbrahim Kurt took third place with 24 books.
Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Hocanın drew attention to the importance of reading and stated that the library provides many services to students. Prof. Dr. Hocanın added that the library has continued its services with sacrifices during the pandemic period and continues to be open outside of working hours. Congratulating the Özay Oral Library staff for their devoted work, Prof. Dr. Hocanın stated that EMU will continue to invest in the library and advised students to continue using the library's services.
At 12:30, A book reading event was held at the library yard with the slogan “The World will be a Better Place If We Read. Within the scope of the event, which aims to increase the public's interest in books and libraries and to raise awareness about reading habits and reading culture, participants read books silently for 30 minutes. The event, organized by the Turkish Librarians Association, was held simultaneously in the Republic of Turkey and the TRNC.
Information Provided about EIKON and PressReader Databases
On Friday, 1 April, 2022, at 11:00, an online "EIKON & Datastream Database User Training Webinar" was held. The speaker of the seminar held in English was Refinitiv Trainer Ece Saraçoğlu who shared information about the EIKON database including financial and banking data of more than 100 countries around the world, stock market data, data of financial companies, global financial data, company data, money data and news from these fields, expert analysis, global, foreign exchange market data, global policies and similar information.
The 58th Library Week events organized by EMU Ozay Oral Library came to an end with the online “PressReader: World Newspapers Database User Training Webinar" on Friday, 1 April, 2022, at 14:00. PressReader Trainer Vildan Kandur Stanio was the speaker of the seminar held in English. The seminar provided information about the newspaper database PressReader, which provides daily access to around 2,000 newspapers in the same local format as the full-page original newspaper print.