What is Interlibrary Loan ?
Who is Eligible to use the ILL Service ?
Contact Information - ILL Office
How to Make ILL Requests
Responsibilities of the Borrower / ILL Requestor
Charges: Shipping, Postage and Etc.
Delivery Time
Lending to Other Libraries
What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a system of borrowing and lending resources used by libraries worldwide.
Interlibrary Loan service is a valuable process creating an opportunity to the researchers of accessing the information not available in the host library. For this reason, it is very important for our library to contribute "the spread of information through sharing" and cooperating with other Libraries / Information Centers in the world through the interlibrary loan service by borrowing from other libraries and lending to other libraries.
By ILL service, our Library provides; books, article copies and/or other materials as loans or copies (borrowing items and/or having copies of items), that do not exist in our library, from other libraries in the country or abroad, for our users.
Materials borrowed through the Interlibrary loan service are short-term loans, usually 3-4 weeks. Long-term research or semester loans are not possible through the ILL.
Who is Eligible to use the ILL Service
Interlibrary Loan service is available to faculty, students, and staff of the Eastern Mediterranean University. Materials requested should be limited to those needed for research.
Contact Information - ILL Office
The Interlibrary Loan Office / 2nd floor in EMU Library is open from 9:00 a.m.– 17:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Our responsible staff for ILL service are Sevim Erol and Beyza Ekşici. The Office can be reached at (0392) 630 1502 or e-mail: sevim.erol@emu.edu.tr and Tel.: (0392) 630 1993 or e-mail: beyza.eksici@emu.edu.tr.
How to Make ILL Requests
The users who want to request books, articles and/or materials through interlibrary loan service must fill out the request form: Interlibrary Loan Request Form or contact our responsible staff at Tel.: (0392) 630 1502
e-mail: sevim.erol@emu.edu.tr and Tel.: (0392) 630 1993 or e-mail: beyza.eksici@emu.edu.tr
It is the responsibility of the borrower to return borrowed materials promptly. Loaned materials can be returned to the Interlibrary Loan Office. Photocopies of periodical articles and articles delivered online and printed by the ILL requester(reader) do not need to be returned.
Before you submit a request, ascertain whether or not the EMU Library already owns the item you need:
Search the Online Library Catalog for books, audio-visual(s) and print journal titles.
Search the E-Journals List and/or Online Full Text Databases for journals available in electronic format.
Search Online Full Text Databases and/or Unified Search, for articles, e-books, e-theses, reports, standards, statistical data, etc. in electronic format.
Responsibilities Of The Borrower / ILL Requestor
- Borrower / ILL Requestor, bear all the responsibility of the borrowed ILL material(s).
- It is the responsibility of the borrower / ILL requestor, to return borrowed ILL material(s) promptly.
- Borrower / ILL Requestor must check the ILL material(s) are not damaged before borrow them. Borrower / ILL Requestor is responsible for damaged ILL material(s).
- It is the borrower's / ILL requestor's responsibility to return the borrowed ILL materials(s) on or before the due date.
- It is the responsibility of the borrower / ILL requestor, to pay the late return penalties (overdue fines). Overdue fines (late return penalty) for each borrowed book is 50 Kurus per day for each day overdue.
- Borrower / ILL Requestor who fail to return any borrowed ILL material -lost or damaged the borrowed ILL material- must report to the library immediately and must provide the same or a new edition of the lost material(s), or pay the current value of the material(s).
- All expenses are the responsibility of the Borrower / ILL Requestor who makes the ILL request.
Charges: Shipping, Postage and Etc.
- All expenses are the responsibility of the Borrower / ILL Requestor who makes the ILL request.
- For Article Copies: Article Copy Price + Shipping expenses
- For Books and other materials (Borrowing): Shipping expenses
Delivery Time
- Books and Article copies from Libraries in the country: delivery by cargo(private);3-7 days,
- Books from Turkey: delivery by cargo (private); 5-10 days
- Article Copies from Turkey: delivery by postal mail and/or cargo(private);10-20 or 5-10 days
- Books from other countries: delivery by cargo (private);10-20 days
- Article Copies from abroad: delivery by postal mail and/or cargo(private); 3-10 days
Period for article delivery is an estimated time. There can be delays caused by the post service or the intensity at the centers where the process takes place.
Lending to Other Libraries
Note: This information is for other libraries requesting an Interlibrary Loan from the EMU Library.
The EMU Library welcomes other libraries to request materials via Interlibrary Loan.
Interlibrary loan is a library-to-library transaction; therefore all requests must be channeled through an institution.
Our Library tries to meet the material requests of the libraries in the country (TRNC Universities) and/or in Turkey and abroad. Many items from the EMU Library are available to off-campus researchers through interlibrary loan arrangements with their home institutions. Individual researchers should contact their library's interlibrary loan office to initiate requests for loans from the EMU Library.
Libraries who want to borrow from EMU Library may use the Interlibrary Loan Request Form and/or contact our responsible staff; Sevim Erol, at Tel.:(0392) 630 1502 or e-mail: sevim.erol@emu.edu.tr and Beyza Ekşici ,Tel.: (0392) 630 1993 or e-mail: beyza.eksici@emu.edu.tr.
Lending Status of the Collection for other libraries through the Interlibrary Loan Service :
Here is a table which shows the loan status of the collection for ILL:
Name of the
Lending Status
General Book Collection |
Available |
Cyprus Corner |
Available |
Karagil Collection |
Available |
Single Print Article |
Available |
Rare Books Section |
Not Available |
Music Room: Music CDs |
Not Available |
Periodicals Section |
Not Available |
Reference Books Section |
Not Available |
Books Section |
Not Available |
Thesis Collection |
Not Available |
Audio Visual(s) |
Not Available |
Electronic Resources
(e-books, e-journal articles, etc.) |
Not Available |
- For Book and other material requests (Borrowing): A maximum 5 books can be requested and borrowed at a time, for a period of 1 month, by any library in the TRNC, Turkey and/or Worldwide.
- For Article Requests (Copies): Please contact with responsible staff; Sevim Erol at: Tel.: (0392) 630 1502 or e-mail: sevim.erol@emu.edu.tr or e-mail: beyza.eksici@emu.edu.tr
Useful Resources for Interlibrary Loan & Document Supply

TUBITAK-ULAKBIM National Union Catalog (Search For Books)
TO-KAT is a national union catalog which captures many libraries of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. This union catalog contains; catalog records of the participant libraries and is a very functional bibliographic research tool for your interlibrary loan requests.
Please search the union catalog (TO-KAT) and when you find items you want; fill out the request form: Interlibrary Loan Request Form or contact our responsible staff at Tel.: (0392) 630 1502 or e-mail: sevim.erol@emu.edu.tr , to borrow the items by ILL Service.

National Academic Networking and Information Center (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM) Document Delivery Services (Search For Journal Articles)
Cahit Arf Information Center (CABIM) has been providing nationwide information and document delivery services using traditional and electronic means in order to meet the information needs of universities, public and industrial sectors, and to contribute to the production of academic information. [More about CABIM]
Document Delivery Services: Document Delivery Services are carried on using National Document Delivery System (UBSS).
National Document Delivery System (UBSS): UBSS is the system to make remote document supply requests. This system enables users to make article requests without visiting the center. Photocopies of articles are sent to users by post or cargo. [Click] for more information.
When you search and find an article by searching
online databases in the ULAKBIM; fill out the request form:Interlibrary Loan Request Form or contact our responsible staff at Tel.: (0392) 630 1502 or e-mail: sevim.erol@emu.edu.tr , to obtain the items by ILL Service.
- You can also create a
membership account in the system and perform your document supply transactions in person over this account - at a charge (pay by credit card).

The British Library Document Supply Center
Located mainly in London, the British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom (UK), created in 1973. The British Library manages its collections as a single entity. The collection covers every aspect of scientific, technical, medical and human knowledge, in many languages. The Library holds journals, books, conferences, reports, patents, theses, official publications, music scores, images and etc. Almost all the holdings can be searched by the online catalogues.
The Main Catalogue : Integrated Catalogue contains records for well over 13 million books, serials, printed music, maps and newspapers.
When you find items you want in the British Library; fill out the request form:
Interlibrary Loan Request Form or contact our responsible staff at Tel.: (0392) 630 1502 or
e-mail: sevim.erol@emu.edu.tr , to obtain the items by ILL Service (borrowing and/or having copies of the items from the host library.)
- You can also order in person, at a charge (pay byClickcredit card), copies of; journal articles, conference papers or sections of a book, if you know the details of the part required. [Click] for more information.
OCLC WorldCat

WorldCat: Window to the World’s libraries
OCLC WorldCat is an international union catalog and contains library records from thousands of libraries throughout the world.
When you search and find items you want through the OCLC WorldCat; fill out the request form: Interlibrary Loan Request Form or contact our responsible staff at Tel.: (0392) 630 1502 or e-mail: sevim.erol@emu.edu.tr , to obtain the items by ILL Service (borrowing and/or having copies of the items from the host library.)
OTHER LIBRARIES (In Cyprus, Turkey and Worldwide)
Other Libraries
When you search other library catalogs and find items you want; fill out the request form: Interlibrary Loan Request Form or contact our responsible staff at Tel.: (0392) 630 1502 or e-mail: sevim.erol@emu.edu.tr , to obtain the items by ILL Service (borrowing and/or having copies of the items from the host library.)