Eastern Mediterranean University Library supports the education and research activities of the university with its materials and information services.
The Library houses a collection of more than 160,000 print books, more than 35,000 owned e-books, also more than 315,000 e-books are accessible by database subscriptions, thousands of audio-visuals, more than 30,000 subscription based e-journals and around 50 print periodical subscriptions. The Library has membership in more than 70 Online Databases that allow access to; full-text Journals, Reports, Abstracts, E-Books, E-Theses Reviews, Indicators, Statistical Data, Working Papers, Standards as well as bibliographical information resources.
The library has 6,600 m² of space. The place has a sitting capacity of 900 seats. In addition to this, in the library there is a multi-purpose auditorium with 240 seats; an audio-visual room with a 60-seat capacity; and a special exhibition hall for different kind of exhibitions. In addition to the study areas, there are special leisure sections with comfortable seats. In the library, there are catalog search terminals and internet connections for the users. The Library is centrally air-conditioned. Users can use the scanning as well as the photocopying facilities. There is a security camera system in the library and an electronic security system at the entrance to the library.
The Library collection is classified in accordance with internationally accepted standards. Direct access to catalog terminals is available on the library premises and users can reach information through the online catalog. The library is at the disposal of the local community, and offers the EMU faculty members, students and personnel the opportunity to borrow books and other information resources. Users can access all kinds of information through the variety of materials available in the Library whether they are related to their own field of the study or their special interest areas. With the purpose of meeting the users’ needs at the highest level possible, an Interlibrary Loan system has been implemented. This means information resources, -like; books and articles- can be borrowed from national and international libraries for the users.
These are the collections and services developed to facilitate the users’ access to information. The technical equipment, library services, and collections are as follows:
Registration to the Library (Library Membership)
Eastern Mediterranean University students, faculty and administrative staff can register and become a member of the Library. -All registered library members are entitled to borrow from the library-.
Library Registration Forms (membership cards) are offered at the Circulation Desk / 1st Floor in the Library. All applications must be made in person. -Fill the form in your own handwriting and submit it to the Circulation Desk-.
For registration process please contact with Library Circulation Desk. Tel: +90 392 630 2290 E-mail:,
besime.guresun or
Registration Form Examples:Note: These are example forms only; you must obtain an official registration form, from the Library Circulation Desk for applying.
Example 1: Students Registration Form

Example 2: Academic and Administrative Staff Registration Form
The library materials –except; theses, rare books, journals, newspapers, books in Reserve and Reference Section- can be borrowed by the 'Library Members'.
Eastern Mediterranean University students, faculty and administrative staff can register and become a member of the Library. -All registered library members are entitled to borrow from the library-.
Library Registration Forms (membership cards) are offered at the Circulation Desk / 1st Floor in the Library. All applications must be made in person. Fill the form in your own handwriting and submit it to the Circulation Desk.
For registration process please contact with Library Circulation Desk.
Tel: +90 392 630 2290 E-mail:, besime.guresun or
Interlibrary Loan
It is a service for our readers by providing books, articles or other information resources as loans or copies that do not exist in our library, from other information centers in the country or abroad. Click for details.
Contact address for more detailed information, either at the institutional or individual level:
Tel: +90 392 630 1502 E-Mail:
Wireless Internet Access (Wi-Fi)
The Library offers free wireless internet to all users in the library. All users are expected to use the library's wireless access in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided. The Library will not assume responsibility for the safety of equipment or for laptop configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the library's wireless service.
* Please wear headphones or turn off (mute) the volume on your laptop.
Wireless Internet Connection Options for EMU Students, EMU Staff (Academic & Administrative) and Guest Users:
WI-FI: eduroam
Username: Student e-mail address Password: Student portal password
WI-FI: eduroam
Username: Staff e-mail address Password: E-mail password
WI-FI: dau-guest
Steps for using dau-guest wi-fi:
- Select dau-guest
- Register for dau-guest access (Enter the requested information: First Name, Last Name, E-mail, Phone and click on Register button).
Photocopy, Printer and Scan services
You can add credits to your student/personnel ID card in order to benefit from the photocopy, printer and scanner services. You can also obtain a photocopy card if you prefer. You can apply to Photocopy Services Section, 1. floor for these facilities. After you add credits to your student/personnel ID or photocopy card, username and password will be given to you by Photocopy Services Section.
Adding credits, having photocopy cards and related operatios - service hours:
Monday – Friday: 09:00 -16:00. Saturday, Sunday: CLOSED
Credit Prices:
40 credits = 48 TL. 60 credits = 72 TL. 80 credits = 96 TL. 100 credits = 120 TL.
Photocopy Card = 50 TL.
* 1 credit = 1 page of A4 copy or 1 page of A4 print.
* 2 credits = 1 page of A3 copy or 1 page of A3 print.
* The Scanning service is free of charge.
You can easily benefit photocopy, printer and scan services while you are in the library. But also, please be informed that; when you are outside the library or campus, by using the PaperCut - print management software - interface you can add articles or documents into your account and can get your accumulated printouts by having the devices read your card when you come to the library.
For these activities you need to sign-in to the system by entering your username and password. The relevant address for such operations:
Wen you are outside the campus, you need to use the Library Remote Access / VPN service to gain access remotely to the System.
Please visit
Remote Access (Off-Campus Access) page for details.
Library website:
For more information and help please contact with Photocopy Services Section.
E-Mail: Tel: +90 392 630 1340, +90 392 630 2290
Use Of Plugs (Power Outlets)
You can use any available power outlet to plug in your laptop. The wall plug outlets (electrical outlets) in the library are Three-Prong Plugs. Two-Prong Plug use is forbidden within the library. if your computer has a Two-Prong Plug than you must use a Plug Adapter. Do not unplug any Library equipment to access a power outlet.
Please Note: The Library is not responsible for any damage to your laptop computer or other equipment that may result from using the Library’s power supply.
General Book Collection
It is the general collection where all the books, except those that are not included in the special collections, are kept. In this section, there are 100,000 volumes classified and they can all be checked out at the circulation desk.
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Cyprus Corner
It is a special section where the books written by Cypriot writers or the books about Cyprus are at the disposal of the users. The purpose of this section, where approximately 2,000 volumes are kept, is to keep the materials related to the Cypriot culture together, and provide a comprehensive source for the users doing research on Cyprus studies. All the materials in this section can be borrowed.
Nevzat Karagil Collection
The late Mr. Nevzat Karagil donated his private collection to our library in 1997. This collection with around 7,000 volumes is kept in a special location in the library named after Mr. Karagil and hence given the name “Nevzat Karagil Collection.” The volumes in this collection can be borrowed. The collection is a comprehensive source on issues related to the Turkish world, Turkish history, Turkic States, Turkish culture and Turkish political history.
Music Listening Room
The Music Listening Room houses classical works. The purpose of this section is to form an extensive classical music archive and thus provide a service that all the users can use. The collection consists of 700 classical music CDs, around 200 cassette tapes and around 50 DVD/CD films. All the library users can listen to music and/or watch the DVD/VCDs in the MLR.
Reference Books
It is a section where the reference books such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, atlases, catalogs and indexes are kept. Their number is somewhere around 3,000 and they cannot be borrowed.
EMU Publications Section
The materials that are published by EMU Press and/or judicially authorized by the university are kept in a separate section. The materials in this section where the university publications are archived cannot be checked out.
Reserve Section
The Reserve Section contains books and printed notes which are requested by instructors, for their students. Books in the Reserve Section can only be used within the Library for three-hour periods, in order to make them more available for students. In cases where the book is not demanded by another user, it is possible to give an hour's loan extension.
Online Databases and Audio-Visual(s)
The educational materials in this section consist of CDs, floppy disks, tapes, various CD ROM Databases and Online Databases. In this section, the internet connections are offered for the users. Electronic journals-through the online databases- are classified as online full-text journals and bibliographic information databases. The user can access these databases from the computers in this section, or can get information on how to use these databases or even get user training.
The library undertakes many obligations and renders many services ranging from the selection of materials to making them available for the users’ use. The purpose of these technical services is to organize, to classify/categorize the materials based on a widely used and accepted system; to protect them and also allow users access to them.
Acquisition & Donations
This service supplies all kinds of materials requested to be added to the library collection.
The main mission of EMU Library is to meet the information needs of the faculty and students. To this end, we are constantly updating our library collection. As a matter of fact the demands coming from the Faculties and Schools act as a determinant in our policy pertaining to the enhancement of the collections (Collection Development).
In order to enrich our collection, we also try to obtain materials by means of “Donations”.
All materials donated to our library are carefully evaluated, and those found suitable are added to our collection. Materials that are not found suitable to be included in our Library are classified according to the audience they address, and then they are donated to libraries accordingly (elementary schools, junior and high schools, and public libraries.) If the donated materials, like photocopied materials, pamphlets, magazines, etc are not feasible for any kind of classification so as to be placed on our shelfs or not even suitable to be donated to other institutions, then they are made available at the Library Entrance for all users, and who ever pleases may “Take One”.
Cataloging & Classification Services
Each material supplied for the library collection is recorded in the inventory, and all cataloging and classifying are computer based. Cataloging gives a brief summary of descriptive information of any material available based on a standard format. The purpose of cataloging service is to introduce all the materials in the collection, and to facilitate access to them. In addition to this, the catalog is an effective tool used by Interlibrary Loan Services. All materials in the library are classified according to a system that shows their location on the library shelves. With the classification system, the materials related to the same and/or similar subject area are kept together. A user, who wants to locate a book through catalog search on the computer, should go to the shelves after getting the classification number (shelf number). The standard Anglo American Cataloging Rules are used for cataloging; and Dewey Decimal Classification System (DDC) is used for classification.
Computer Services
It comprises the computer systems and the sustainability and development of the software. The aim of this service is to utilize computer technology at maximum level in line with the mission of the library.
Periodicals Section
Our library currently has 300 periodical subscriptions (Journals, magazines). The local and foreign newspapers are also available on a daily basis for the perusal of the users. Print periodicals are archived after they are bound, and the newspapers are kept in an archive for a year.
Journals, magazines, newspapers and other materials in the Periodicals Section do not circulate (may not be borrowed).
Do not take journals, magazines and newspapers out of Periodicals Section to other sections of the Library. Always ask for permission if needed.