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Deneme Amaçlı Veritabani – World Scientific Veritabanı

Yayınlanma Tarihi: 24 Mayıs 2023, Çarşamba


Dear Reader,
We are pleased to inform you that, World Scientific Database ( E-books, Articles & Textbooks) will be available on a trial base until  22 July 2023.

Access link:

World Scientific releases approximately 600 new titles per annum and publishes more than 170 journals across multiple fields. With a publication history of over 12,000 titles, a significant proportion of World Scientific's books are prescribed as reading material by prestigious institutions like Harvard University, California Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and Princeton University. At present, WSPC's digital content is accessible to more than 45,000 universities, libraries and organizations worldwide, with usage boosted by collaborating with diverse search and discovery partners.

World Scientific broke new ground in 1991 when it signed a memorandum of agreement with the Nobel Foundation to publish the entire series of Nobel Lectures in all subjects - physics and astronomy, chemistry, physiology or medicine, economic sciences and literature.

In 1995, World Scientific co-founded the London-based Imperial College Press with London University's Imperial College. In 2006, the Press became a wholly-owned subsidiary of World Scientific. The Press publishes mainly in the fields in which Imperial College itself is particularly well-known, such as Engineering, Medicine, Information Technology, Environmental Technology, and Management Sciences

Note: Please be informed that you can access Online Databases through the library Web Site:
For more information please contact : 2741, 2755

Kindly Yours.
EMU, Özay Oral Library

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